Phone 020 3998 7317 or contact us using the below form.
Frequently asked questions
5 simple reasons:
We have hundreds of lesson plans so you can build a personalised scope and sequence for your school.
Our platform makes wellbeing lessons easier to run, so staff feel comfortable delivering lessons on topics they dont feel like experts in.
Our analytics automatically measure our impact so you know what's working.
Our progress dashboard lets you monitor each class so you never have to worry that some classes are falling behind.
Staff and parents have access to PD that could cost thousands with other providers.
Yes. Our psychologists have varied experience in clinical and educational environments. They are the driving force behind our programme and ensure it's evidence based at every step. Additionally, we produce a bespoke impact report for every school to show the change in student knowledge and behaviour. We can show data by year level, class or student.
All our lesson can be adapted to run between 20 to 50 minutes.
Absolutely. Just contact us and we can get you setup with a demo account and a meeting to talk through everything.
Yes and yes. We developed our platform alongside teachers to ensure it's simple and easy to use. But, to be sure, we run training with staff to build buy in and answer questions.
We only collect data that we need to provide our services to you. Nothing more, and nothing less. We take particular care to restrict access to any student data and ensure strong data protection. If you’re a real privacy buff, you can read our privacy policy here.
Yes. Schools are easily able to create a scope and sequence of lessons that are mapped to the curriculum. We'll work with you and your team to create a scope and sequence that aligns with all, or the portion of the guidance you want to focus on.